Job Security in the Age of AI

Keys to job security in the modern age

Welcome to 2020 – the third decade of the 21st century. While some science fiction predictions have come true, we’re not exactly traveling in flying cars and eating food produced in replicators in our daily lives. However, with the advent of new technology, including artificial intelligence, many people have new concerns about job security. 

Will AI Replace Human Workers? 

A lot of buzz surrounds the idea of automation and machines taking over jobs previously held by people. While companies have implemented AI to perform a variety of tasks, humans continue to remain relevant. 

As AI expert Daniel Faggella notes, “there are many reasons why machines will not make all humans obsolete.” In short, he says, it comes down to context, coordination and connection. While AI could impact both blue-collar and white-collar industries, certain roles will remain human domain. He says

“However, the most interesting thing about automation in these sectors [white-collar jobs] is that the same rule applies as for blue-collar work: if it is repeatable and predictable, it is automatable. It does not matter how much a person is paid to do the work.”

While it might offer little comfort to hear that a high-paying professional role comes with no guarantees, there are some measures you can take to ensure your job security as technology changes the way we do business.

Focus on Interpersonal Skills

In Faggella’s research, he notes that the roles least vulnerable to AI takeover involve a high level of context and human connection. 

Teachers, doctors and therapists are among the professionals most protected from AI influence in their fields, but each industry requires people skilled at understanding human dynamics in order to meet customer needs or to convene highly effective, strategic teams. 

According to Working Voices, the top interpersonal skills that machines cannot effectively replicate include: 

  • Empathy

  • Critical thinking and planning

  • Rapport

  • Judgement 

  • Teamwork and collaboration 

If these skills come naturally to you, look for more ways to use them in your current role. If they don’t, seek out resources for developing and honing them. You can apply these skills in a variety of contexts and industries, which makes them universally valuable skills for employability. 

Embrace Technology’s Role

For people who work in technical fields, while AI might replace some functions and roles, it could also serve to enhance others. In addition, new positions could emerge to support AI-automated systems. 

According to this Forbes contributor

“...teams will leverage machine learning to get real-time insights on their technology environment and automate its operations – a true game-changer that will help IT jobs become more meaningful, not less. AI based systems help identify root case, predict performance, recommend optimizations, and automate fixes. It simply helps problems get solved faster.”

In all fields, technology can simplify a number of processes and allow workers to focus on bigger picture problem-solving and strategizing. 

In your role, consider how technology can help you move to the next level in your company, industry or career. View technology as a complement to your work rather than as its competitor. 

Tap Into Your Creativity

What does AI stand for? Artificial intelligence. Even as AI becomes more predictive than reactive, its capabilities operate within the limits of coding and algorithms. By contrast, humans have a unique ability to operate nimbly, change perspectives and apply diverse ideas to a problem. 

Enter creativity as a job skill in the 21st century. 

In this article, Alex Wulff pointed to examples where AI has mimicked human creativity in art, but that machine learning still relies on human coding: 

“True machine creativity cannot be derived from a system that solely takes input, performs mathematical functions and presents an output to the eager programmer that created it. As long as this is the case, the threat of machines completely displacing the human labor force is nonexistent.”

Wulff calls consciousness humanity’s’ “safe haven” in an AI world. That consciousness, he says, leads to creative thinking, spontaneity and a drive to change the world for the better. 

Rather than sticking solely to tried-and-true methods and the status quo in your work, look for ways to stretch your creative muscle. That ability to innovate and adapt will become an increasingly valuable work skill. 

Continuous Learning Mindset

The most successful people in the new world filled with AI will be those who cultivate a mindset of continuous learning. Say yes to every opportunity to learn more and keep up with technology.  Ensure that your skills are upgraded so you stay marketable. 

Do not assume that you are irreplaceable. Each work day is an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to deliver results that are valued. And develop and maintain your connections so others are aware of your capabilities. That is how you ensure job security over the long-term.  

If you would like to take your career to the next level, contact me to learn more about my approach to individual career coaching and salary negotiation.