You Have to Disappoint People

To live a happy life, one that's satisfying to you, you're going to have to disappoint some people.

Sometimes your boss. Sometimes your spouse or partner. Sometimes your parents.

What most of us do is that when we're confronted with the choice of disappointing someone else or disappointing ourselves, we always choose ourselves.

Stop doing that. Especially if you're walking around wondering why you're not happy.

You're not happy because you're choosing the wrong people to disappoint.

Pay attention to your choices. It is okay to not please others. In fact, it is imperative if you are going to be happy.

Your needs matter as much as anyone else’s.  Don’t disappoint yourself over and over again and wonder why you’re hurting.

(Source: Ana Del Castillo)

#disappointment #chooseyourself #itsnotselfish #choosewisely