Retention Bonuses - Slippery Slope or Smart?

I’ve been helping a couple employers set up retention bonuses for key team members they can’t afford to lose.

They expressed concern that if other employees found out about these special incentives and asked for something similar that they would have a difficult time saying “no” to them.

We explored that a bit and I asked a question. Are these other employees as critical to your organization’s success?

They said “no” and went on to explain why. I said that’s your response. The other employees may not like your answer, but it is the truth. And sometimes the truth is painful to hear.

And you could follow it up with the three things that make an employee critical to keep. (1) They can’t be replaced easily. (2) They provide tremendous value and can overcome obstacles most people can’t overcome. (3) They make others successful by sharing their knowledge, being a leader, and having a positive attitude. In other words, they are a role model.

If you are an employer worried about losing critical talent, we should talk. And if you are an employee who is a high performer and wants to be seen as critical to your employer’s success, then take this list of three and use it to your advantage.

#retention #rewards #compensation #humanresources #bonus #incentives