It is normal to want to limit risk. And yet we can’t fully prevent the potential to be laid off.
What you can do as an employee is focus on what you can control.
*You can make sure your skills are up to date and that you are marketable. That means being viewed as qualified for the type of job you want to perform. Don’t be afraid to invest in yourself.
*You can also network so you are visible to the right decision makers within your current employer organization and outside of it so you are noticed for your skills and ability to contribute.
*You can have more than one stream of income.
According to the IRS, most millionaires have these seven income streams: (1) Dividend income from stocks owned. (2) Earned income from a paycheck. (3) Rents from rental real estate. (4) Royalties from selling rights to use something they’ve written or invented. (5) Capital gains from selling appreciated assets. (6) Profits from businesses they own. (7) Interest from savings, CDs, bonds, or other lending activities.
What are you going to focus on first?
#jobsearch #incomestreams #networking #limitrisk