Today I was reminded to always watch to see if someone’s actions match their words.
I had a Director level coaching client share a story about their VP today. There has been a reorganization. The VP no longer reports to the CEO. She reports to the Head of HR now. The function the VP oversees is now not directly at the table with the executive team. Oh, oh.
It doesn’t matter that the CEO says that the function the VP oversees is important. The CEO’s actions indicate that it isn’t as important as it once was or that the VP messed up something.
My Director level coaching client is reassessing their desire to stay with this employer. If the function you are in is tucked under a different C-suite leader AND you can’t get headcount to help with the workload, it’s time to launch a job search.
She’s an amazing leader. I know she’ll conduct a thoughtful job search and ensure that she thoroughly assesses potential new employers. And she will ask interview questions that test whether the leaders of the new firm are acting on things in a way that aligns to their words.
Don’t say you are focused on equity. Show me.
Don’t say you have an inclusive work environment. Show me.
Don’t say you have diversity in your workforce. Show me.
Don’t say “we are a family” here. (I have learned that means we don’t respect healthy boundaries and will use your loyalty and commitment to overwork you.)
Don’t say one of your values is empathy. Show me.
Don’t say that I am important to you. Show me.
Actions > Words
#actionsnotwords #jobsearch #humanresources #equity