Have you ever had a break through moment when you are talking to a friend? Yep. That happened yesterday for me.
We were talking about how when you love someone that eventually it ends. There is an expiration date. You either break up with them or one of you dies. (I know. I know. Morbid but it’s reality.)
So, whether you acknowledge it or not you will be grieving for the loss of the person you loved. (Or you’ll be dead and on to whatever exists after this life.)
And when you choose to love, you are choosing that grief too. You just have to know who is worth it.
My friend was taking this all in and was thinking through how this plays out. And I said, “I trust my wings.”
He asked, “What does that mean?”
I explained, you know how a bird lands on a tree branch. The bird doesn’t trust that the branch won’t break and fall. The bird trusts their wings and knows if the branch breaks their wings will allow them to fly.
Yeah. So, I trust my wings.
Do you?
#trustyourwings #grief #love #readytofly