What is pay transparency?

It is revealing a little or a lot about how much you pay your employees.

Partial Pay Transparency:

  • You share a job’s pay range when it is posted. You share pay ranges with managers for only the jobs their team performs. You share ajob’s pay range with the employee that is performing that job. You share some (but not all) of the market pricing details for each job.

Full Pay Transparency:

  • You share specific pay numbers for every employee in the organization. You publish all pay ranges and short- and long-term incentive opportunities. You share ALL the market pricing details for each job. Most employers chose to make this visible in-house. A few, like Buffer, share it publicly. And Stack Overflow shares their salary calculator. Whole Foods and SumAll are other examples.

Where is your employer on their pay transparency journey? What do they share? What is kept secret?

#paytransparency #compensation #rewards #humanresources