It is about feeling respected. And, of course, appreciated for spending our time and energy on work that may or may not be something we want to do.
It is about the security that money gives us. And we want the freedom and choice that comes from having enough.
For some of us work is also about community and connection to others who are committed to the same goals.
I spend most of my day doing things for employer clients so they can make smart decisions on how to spend money to get employees to do the right work.
And after designing approaches that support their goals, I remind myself that employees want the answer to this question.
"What's in it for me?"
Spend as much time communicating to employees and answering their questions as you do designing and developing compensation solutions.
If you don't, you're going too fast. And you are not maximizing the ROI that comes from your labor cost.
#compensation #payequity #paytransparency #humanresources