I’ve watched company after company announce layoffs and read the posts from the employees impacted.
It can be devastating news if you liked your job, manager, coworkers, or employer. It can be happy news if you were ready to leave anyway.
And to those who don’t get laid off, it can be terrible news because you now have to do the work of those who are leaving. Unless, of course, you have a manager and company leaders who understand you can’t do the same amount of work with less people.
What I missed the most after being laid off were the connections. The social interaction with my peers and learning new things about how the business was evolving and changing were highlights in my workdays.
And then suddenly that was all gone.
If you are feeling the same, take the time to reach out to others who were laid off. And don’t forget to stay in touch with the people who remain employed at your former employer.
These connections are important to your well-being and to your job search. Some call this networking. I call this making and sustaining friendships.
With more free time, you get to prioritize what makes you feel good and the people you want to spend time with.
Layoffs can be viewed as a blessing or a curse. You get to decide.
#jobsearch #wellbeing #connection #humanresources #layoffs