It starts with confidence. Confidence is that feeling of being able to rely on yourself. You’re sure of yourself and your abilities.
Next is commitment. Confidence leads to commitment. Not the up and down commitment but the kind that is unwavering. Commitment means you do what it takes no matter what. It is that dedication to get from Point A to Point B, so you build the necessary habits and never give up.
And finally, there is the competence or skills that you develop because of your commitment. Competence is when you get better at something. It is the ability to do something successfully or efficiently.
And better skills lead to a bigger paycheck. If you want to earn more, then acquire the skills that employers will pay more for.
That could mean you majored in music and decided to get great at project management. You use your confidence and commitment to get a PMP certification. You earn 6 figures after that.
That could mean you’re a high school teacher today. You decide to commit and learn the programming language Clojure. Then you earn over 6 figures.
So, if you’re comfortable get uncomfortable. Start playing with ChatGPT. Start researching AI and machine learning. How will it impact your industry and profession? Develop the skills to maintain your marketability to employers.
Stop complaining and focus. It’s simple. It’s hard. And guess what? Doing hard things leads to confidence. And confidence is what starts this loop.
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