Maximize Your Pay

My pay increases as an employee when I stayed with my employer were:

  • 3% most years because that was the merit increase budget.

  • ~3.5% - 4% other years when my performance was high AND we had someone else on the team who wasn’t performing. “You have to rob Peter to pay Paul.”

But when I changed jobs and got a new employer, my starting salary was:

  • 15% more when I left financial services and went to a consulting firm.

  • 23% more when I went from telecommunications to financial services.

  • 5% less when I went from technology to mining. Then I was promoted 3 months later and got a 14% increase. And I was leading the team 2 years later making 40% more than I did as a new hire.

This is why employees change jobs and companies every few years.

If you are an employee and want to maximize your pay, go to a new company. I can help you negotiate and maximize the job offer.

If you are a manager and want to retain your employees? Pay them what they are worth. I can help you develop a business case that HR and your senior leaders will say “yes” to.

And if you are HR and wish I wouldn’t post advice like this, we should talk. I can help you influence C-suite leaders, so you get what you need to fix your pay inequities. Oh, and we should talk about your pay transparency strategy too. I’ll bet I can make it better.

#pay #compensation #payequity #humanresources #paynegotiation #rewards