One of the best ways to mitigate the risk of being laid off is to ensure that your results are aligned to the way your employer defines success.
And then you need to ensure that you aren't humbly keeping those results quiet. Share the impact your work is having on others and the strategic goals your employer is focused on.
Network or make friends outside of your employer and share your great results with them as well. You don't have to brag but you can talk about what you are passionate about.
And finally, be intentional and have more than one stream of income. According to the IRS, most millionaires have these seven income streams:
(1) Dividend income from stocks owned.
(2) Earned income from a paycheck.
(3) Rents from rental real estate.
(4) Royalties from selling rights to use something they’ve written or invented.
(5) Capital gains from selling appreciated assets.
(6) Profits from businesses they own.
(7) Interest from savings, CDs, bonds, or other lending activities.
What are you going to focus on first?
#jobsearch #incomestreams #networking #layoffs