Time is more valuable than money.
You can’t get more time. You can earn more money.
Freedom is the ability to use your time how you want. The ability to focus your time on activities or people that cause you to smile and feel good is priceless.
When I ask pay negotiation coaching clients why they want to earn a certain amount of money, it is usually because they want the freedom to use their time how they want.
But sometimes in the effort to become wealthy, people forget what makes them rich.
I am rich because I have people who I love and who love me.
I am rich because I can spend my time on activities and with people who bring me joy.
I am rich because I have enough. I recognize that enough is a decision.
I am rich because I am comfortable with doing things even though I am afraid.
I am rich because I understand my feelings are guidance about my needs being met or not met.
I am rich because I can use the space between a stimuous and a response to react in a way that is aligned to my values.
I am rich because you are reading this and it is causing you to think more deeply.
Finish this sentence for me below: “I am rich because _____.”
#wealth #money #rich #leadership #negotiation #pay #rewards #compensation #humanresources