If you want to be a great leader, listen more than you talk.
Discover the potential in your team members and help them achieve it.
Keep your people safe. Always.
Ask questions. Teach your employees how to ask great questions.
Role model the thinking and actions you want from employees.
Be consistent in your actions and words.
Under promise and over deliver to customers and employees.
Be a giver not a taker.
Empathy, generosity, and kindness go a long way toward building trust.
Communicate health boundaries and be consistent with delivering consequences.
Give feedback as quickly as possible after the behavior.
Don’t forget to recognize good behavior. Too often it is bad behavior that gets noticed.
Make sure your rewards align to your expectations.
You get what you tolerate. Do not tolerate the behavior or words that create a toxic work environment and relationships.
Invest in yourself and your team.
Relationships and effective communication are critical to success.
Know when to quit and walk away.
Enough is a decision.
Do it afraid. You will never be completely unafraid.
Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
Know your worth and negotiate for more.
Teach the next generation what you know. Leave a legacy that extends beyond you.
Be compassionate with yourself and others. Most of us are doing our best each day.
You get to decide your personal definition of success. When success is defined by your internal standards and not someone else’s, that is freedom.
What would you add to this list?
#leadership #boundaries #success #questions #relationships #knowyourworth #legacy #compassion #safety #hr #humanresources #compensation #rewards #expectations