Don’t call a Manager a Director if the job responsibilities aren’t those of a Director. Inflating titles is not doing your employee any favors.
Yes, it may be easier to give the job title than a pay raise, but it will only cause confusion when the employee looks for their next job opportunity. Their new employer will have the expectation that they can successfully perform a Director job and they may not be able to.
Don’t give Manager or Director level work responsibilities to a Specialist without a job title change and pay raise. Employers who do this are taking advantage of the employee.
And if you are an employee experiencing this, update your resume and LinkedIn profile. It is time to look for a new job. Be sure to use the job title that fits with the job you are performing.
How do employers know what to title a job?
1. Review job descriptions that other employers post and determine what the standard job title is for the work being performed.
2. Review the job descriptions in salary surveys. What is the job usually titled?
3. You can also contact me, and we can chat about it.
Tell me the worst over or under leveled job title you’ve ever found at an employer.
· I found a Director that was doing the job of an Analyst.
· I found a Coordinator doing the work of a Senior Manager.
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