If you are thinking about what it takes to get promoted, don’t forget to focus on developing your soft skills along with your technical skills.
Getting noticed and paid what you deserve is the goal. As I coach employees, we often spend time on potential career derailers like:
1 – effective communication: speaking, presenting, writing, and connecting with others
2 – emotional intelligence
3 – the quality of their ideas and thinking
4 – influence and negotiation strategies
5 – values alignment and authenticity
6 - storytelling with data
What common career derailers should be added to this list?
Invest in yourself and embrace continuous learning. Your ability to adapt quickly will be one way to support your request for a pay increase. You also must tell a story that includes:
The value you have delivered in the past.
The future roadmap of how you will continue to deliver the right results.
External market pay data (base, bonus/commissions, and LTI) that shows you are underpaid.
Don’t push aside your desire to be promoted or to be paid competitively in your current job. Within about 2 - 3 hours, I can help you with your story and talking points.
#promotion #careercoaching #paynegotiation #compensation #compensationconsultant #hr #humanresources #negotiation