Do you keep old versions of job descriptions? Do you include an effective date in your job descriptions?
If an employer sponsors employees on visas and is updating job descriptions, they must track changes to show the before and after versions of the job description. This documentation helps Legal determine whether the changes are significant enough to warrant an amendment to the visa.
Failing to properly document and assess these changes could result in the visa holder losing their work authorization and potentially jeopardize the employer’s compliance with immigration regulations, including the risk of losing their ability to sponsor visas in the future.
Also, employers may have an employee complain about changes in their job responsibilities and say that they weren’t recognized. If you have the older version of the description, you can check to see if the changes were incorporated into the document.
Employers may also need to provide current and old versions of job descriptions for a lawsuit or audit.
Job descriptions aren’t just a document that helps you recruit new employees to your organization. They help you set expectations, manage performance, determine what to pay, support employee development, assist with career planning, and help with workforce planning.
Are you keeping the old versions of your job descriptions?
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