"Treat others as you want to be treated" means to behave towards others in the same way you would like them to behave towards you. You put yourself in their shoes and act with kindness and respect because that is what you would want to receive from them. This is called the "Golden Rule" and is a fundamental principle of ethical conduct across many cultures.
It requires empathy and self-awareness. This rule encourages you to consider how your actions might affect others and to act with compassion.
By treating others well, you are more likely to experience positive interactions in return. Like attracts like.
You can go a step further and apply the platinum rule. It asks you to "do unto others, wherever possible, as THEY would want to be done to them."
The golden rule does no harm so long as everyone involved in a situation shares the same values and wants to be treated the same way. But what happens if people have different preferences, values, and expectations? Suddenly, the golden rule goes from being received as an empathetic approach to seeming a bit self-centered and off-base.
The best leaders I have worked with go one step further. They use the platinum rule which is to treat others the way THEY want to be treated, rather than how YOU would want to be treated.
It is a subtle distinction. Acting in alignment with the platinum rule requires a high level of emotional intelligence, effective communication skills, emotional regulation, listening skills, observational skills, and relationship building skills that many people do not have.
We live in a world where many people look for the differences between us. Then those differences are focused upon and magnified to divide us and cause conflict.
I firmly believe we have more in common as human beings than differences. And applying the golden rule or the platinum rule would go a long way toward solving a lot of the problems that exist on earth today.
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Source: Wikipedia, hrdqstore dot com