Possibilities vs. Reality

I love possibilities. I easily see the potential in myself and others.

And I am often disappointed because that potential is not achieved.

Each of us has a finite amount of time and energy to expend in any given day.

With these limited resources, what are you prioritizing?

Success for me today is getting a couple client deliverables completed and sending them for review.

The time it will take is usually longer than I anticipate.

And yet I often get to the end of my day and am disappointed that I didn’t get everything I wanted to complete done.

I am learning to tell my inner critic to shut up and sit down in the corner. She really is very loud and insists on being judgmental and mean.

Instead, I am focusing on what did get completed and am practicing gratitude. Gratitude for the time to contribute, learn, and make a difference.

And letting go of possibilities and focusing on and accepting reality is an on-going practice.

#innercritic #leadership #humanresources #gratitude #possibilities