The easiest way to categorize a fad is one word: short-lived. Think of pet rocks, parachute pants, and the Macarena. It has value for a short time and then it doesn’t.
Classics are timeless. They never go out of style. They are things that hold their value. Rolex watches. A little black dress.
A classic can be a leader who demonstrates they care through empathy and compassion. They recognize their vision and agenda isn’t the only consideration in the room. They adapt and change. And lead others through the change process.
A fad is someone who resists changes that aren’t going to go away. The people who want remote or hybrid work to stop are an example. So are people that don’t prioritize the customer and employee experience.
We create value in our interactions with each other through connection. Through slowing down to listen, learn, and embrace change. And by treating each other with respect.
To be seen. To be heard. To be understood.
Trust. That’s a classic.
#leadership #humanresources #employeeexperience #customerexperience #valuecreation #trust