Asking for a pay raise right now

If you are considering asking for a pay increase right now, stop and consider if your employer did layoffs. If they did, don’t ask for a pay increase.

If your employer is doing well and hitting their revenue targets or exceeding them, now may be a great time to ask for that raise.

WHEN you ask is as important as HOW you ask.

And too often I’ve had people ask me for help with their pay negotiation and they already asked at a time that wasn’t good.

Better to ask when your manager is in a great mood. The company is doing well. And budgets aren’t being slashed to reduce expenses.

We are hearing a lot about layoffs right now. But there are businesses doing well and if you are working for one of those employers, now may be a perfect time to ask for more.

If you need help, send me a message and we can plan how to ask so you can maximize the probability of getting what you deserve.

And if you are working for an employer that just did layoffs, we can develop a strategy on how to focus on the right work and exceed your manager’s performance expectations. Then you will be set up to ask for that pay raise when the company is doing better financially.

Exceptional Performance + Effective Pay Negotiation Strategy = Maximized Base Salary Increase

#payraise #compensation #humanresources #rewards #negotiation #layoffs