Imagine being over 60 and starting a job search. You have decades of business experience. And you are worried that when you network or apply for jobs you will be viewed as overqualified or too expensive.
Imagine finding an employer that looks at your age and experience with joy. They view your work ethic, ability to be flexible, and confidence to be just what they need. They know you will be a great role model to others on the team.
They tap into your knowledge and experience with curiosity and openness. The leaders listen to you and your skills are valued. You feel good and look forward to going to work each day.
They are learning and growing as you interact with them. You can be your authentic self. You belong.
What are you doing to ensure that experienced professionals can share their wisdom and experience at your workplace?
What barriers can you remove? What beliefs can you challenge? What assumptions are you making?
#ageism #jobsearch #humanresources #bethechangeyouwishtosee #leadership