I've integrated compensation at many businesses. First, you take inventory of the types of pay programs offered and prioritize what changes when. Consideration of strategic goals, business efficiencies, cost savings, and the need to retain key talent are part of this effort.
You map the acquired company's jobs to those of the buyer. Example: Company A's Sr Accountant is an Accountant III at Company B.
When I ask for the job descriptions to use in the mapping exercise, I often hear, "We have some of them but there are many that are out of date."
So, that leads to meetings. Lots of meeting where I ask business leaders to describe the work their employees are doing each day. Some are able to do this, and some are not.
* Keep your job descriptions updated. *
Great managers use them to set expectations with their team members.
Job descriptions are needed when you have to post and fill a position.
Job descriptions are the foundation for the grade and base pay range assigned to the job as well as incentive eligibility.
Make job description updates part of the annual performance review and reward cycle.
Ask your employees doing the work to redline the document so you know what has changed since last year.
Just do it. You'll be glad you did.
#jobdescriptions #rewards #compensation #payequity #paytransparency #hr #leadership #mergersandacquisitions