If the process to decide how much to pay someone...base pay or incentives is complex and difficult to explain, simplify.
Pay transparency laws are going to continue to be passed.
Your employees are going to ask you more questions. And you're gonna be on the struggle bus if you can't explain things quickly.
What is the base salary range for my job?
Why am I being paid below the midpoint?
What do I need to do to get a pay raise?
Why is my bonus less than the target?
What metrics are used to calculate my bonus?
What if I disagree with how you assessed my achievement of the metrics?
I think the sales incentive you paid me is incorrect. Can you show me the calculation you used for this payout?
When can I expect to get a promotion?
Why did Bill get a promotion to X job last week? I've performed the same job as Bill for 2 years longer and am not getting promoted. Why?
And candidates aren't applying to job postings if they don't see a pay range.
Buckle up and get ready. If you don't know how to answer these questions quickly, then you've got some work to do.
#pay #payequity #paytransparency #compensation #rewards #hr #humanresources #communications