It’s not only what you know but who you know and how you get the work done that matters.
I have a coaching client who is great at their job. They can tell me what they delivered and why it matters to their employer.
We are writing their value stories so they can use those talking points in a discussion with their VP about getting a promotion and pay raise.
I asked them who else in the room besides their boss would be chiming in about them and advocating for their promotion. After hesitating they said, “No one.”
I asked, “Why not?”
“Well, I do my job and make sure my manager knows what I am doing, but I don’t interact with my manager’s peers much. And I’m quiet. I don’t like to brag about what I am doing and trust that I’ll get recognized for my good work.”
This. THIS!
If you aren’t shining a light on your good work, you will not get what you deserve. We are all busy. And all of us are juggling a lot related to work and our personal lives.
Unless you make it easy for multiple decision makers to talk about your good work, how you do it, and why it matters, you will not be recognized with promotions and pay increases.
So, now I am working with my coaching client to ensure that what they deliver as a Director and what their team delivers is highlighted in a variety of ways. We are developing a marketing campaign and strategy to ensure that they aren’t overlooked by the decision makers.
Don’t assume you’ll get noticed.
It doesn’t work that way.
#compensation #promotion #payequity #negotiationskills #rewards #humanresources #coaching #marketing #recognition