I was talking to a coaching client recently about her upcoming pay negotiation conversation. She was anxious about how it would go, and I was helping her write talking points.
I asked her this…
“What would your VP and her colleagues say about you when you aren’t in the room?”
My client hesitated and then said, “I don’t know. The VP that I report to knows me and my work, but her peers aren’t people I interact with very often.”
We shifted our conversation to how to make my client more visible to these people. Their opinions and comments about her performance and character will impact the pay negotiation.
Your personal brand is what others say about you when you aren’t present. Don’t underestimate the power of a great reputation when you are asking for a pay increase or promotion.
Be visible. Be memorable. Be remarkable. Be consistent.
#pay #negotiation #personalbrand #coaching #reputation #compensation #hr #humanresources #paynegotiation #rewards