Yes, it happens. And employers who do this are not doing themselves any favors.
I worked for a company many years ago who had a “rule.” If the employee’s base salary was already within the base salary range assigned to the new job they were promoted to, they didn’t get a pay increase. BUT the HR or Compensation employees who support the division the employee worked in could ask for an exception based on strong business rationale.
Guess what - I asked for an exception every single time.
Why? Because I didn’t agree with the rule. I couldn’t imagine asking an employee to do more work, work that was more complex, etc. and NOT giving them a pay raise to do it.
How long do you think these employees, who were being exploited, stayed? They didn’t stay.
Eventually, the promoted employees would have the work experience and results needed to demonstrate their capabilities. They would then go find another job at a different employer. The company had high turnover and wondered why.
Don’t follow the rules if they don’t make sense.
Don’t make rules that are ridiculous.
Don’t allow your employer to exploit you year after year. If you are doing more work and got a promotion without a pay increase, update your resume and LinkedIn profile. Start your job search and move on.
Great employers don’t exploit employees.
Great employees don’t wait around to be recognized with pay increases if their employer has demonstrated stupidity as a value.
#payincrease #compensation #promotion #careerdevelopment #humanresources #rewards #payraise #stupidrules