Pay transparency means sharing a little or a lot about how much you pay your employees.
Partial Pay Transparency:
You share an open job’s pay range when it is posted. (And it is not a super wide range that means nothing.)
You share pay ranges with managers for only the jobs their team members perform.
You share a job’s pay range with the employee that is performing that job.
You share the results of your pay equity audit with key stakeholders.
You communicate how you make pay decisions and what factors are considered.
Employees know the pay ranges for all jobs.
You document and publish compensation guidelines and processes to all employees.
You share your compensation philosophy and why you pay what you pay.
Full Pay Transparency:
· You openly share who gets paid what salary across the organization.
Most employers chose to make this visible in-house but not externally to the public. Buffer is one that shares it publically. Stack Overflow shares their salary calculator. Whole Foods and SumALL are also examples.
Where is your employer on their pay transparency journey? What do they share? What information is not shared openly?
What other employers are sharing who gets paid what salary across their organization?
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