I’ve been using ChatGPT as an assistant in my work over the last year.
Here is a list of how I have used it:
1. To write job descriptions
2. To write competencies and an associated proficiency rating scale
3. To shorten performance rating definitions after writing the first draft for each rating
4. To write the titles for social media posts
5. To write the first draft of social media posts. But it took a lot of editing for it to sound like me.
6. To develop a 1-hour merit training outline for people managers
7. To develop career paths
8. To develop job level definitions
9. To create an executive summary of a pay equity analysis
10. To develop answers to questions about compensation
Most of the time HR doesn’t have enough employees to resource all the day to day and project work. AI can help to maximize your efficiency.
How are you using AI to support your compensation and human resources work?
#compensation #ai #hr #rewards #pay #payequity #paytransparency #jobdescriptions #competencies #performanceratings #paycommunications #chatgpt #training #careerpaths #joblevels