There are talent management considerations that are used in the decision-making process when you ask for a pay increase.
Be one or more of the following and you increase the probability of being viewed as difficult to replace or indispensable. And that in turn increases your chance of getting a pay increase.
· High Performers – They stand out in any organization. They consistently exceed expectations and are management’s go-to people. Difficult projects are given to these people because they have a track record of getting the job done regardless of the challenges.
· High Potentials – Top 3% - 5% of talent. They consistently and significantly outperform their peer groups in a variety of settings and circumstances. While achieving these superior levels of performance, they exhibit behaviors that reflect their companies’ culture and values in an exemplary manner. Moreover, they show a strong capacity to grow and succeed throughout their careers within an organization—more quickly and effectively than their peer groups do.
· Key Successors – Identified as having the ability to fill a key/critical job should the current employee leave.
· Critical Job – Employees in a job that is critical to the company’s success and results. Not having this job filled with a high performing employee is problematic.
· Single Point of Failure – If they leave, something big is going to fail and the impact will be significant.
· Thought Leaders – They are the informed opinion leaders and the go-to people in their field of expertise. They are trusted sources who move and inspire people with innovative ideas. They turn ideas into reality and know and show how to replicate their success. They create a dedicated group of followers to help them replicate and scale those ideas into sustainable change in business, industry, and sometimes the world.
· Influencers – Individuals who have the power to affect the decisions of others, because of their (real or perceived) authority, knowledge, position, or relationships. Their influence may be within the organization, the profession, or industry.
What would you add to this list?
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