You say any of the following:
1. They are stored by each manager who oversees the job.
2. We don’t have formal job descriptions.
3. We laid off the person who used to maintain the centralized storage of job descriptions. I don’t have access to those old files.
4. Talk to Talent Acquisition. They probably have the job posting description from the last time the job was open.
5. There are different versions of job descriptions for the same job. Here is one from 2020 and here is another from 2018.
6. We have job profiles not job descriptions. Job profiles are 300 characters or less. You can ask HRIS for a report. Do you have the job code?
7. You can ask the employees who are doing the work. One of them may have a job description for their role.
8. Job descriptions aren’t something we maintain in HR.
Get your job descriptions organized. If you have an HR Intern, it’s a good summer project. You can also have them interview managers and employees to get the descriptions updated.
Paying employees competitively starts with a good job description.
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