It is used to recognize and reward an employee for exceptional performance or behavior that is beyond the normal expectations of the employee’s job. Spot awards are given soon after the result or behavior, usually without pre-determined goals or set performance levels. They are intended as “in the moment” recognition or one-time rewards.
When should a spot award be used?
To recognize, reward and encourage exceptional performance
To promote behavior that is consistently aligned with company’s values, culture, or strategy
Examples of behaviors and achievements you may want to recognize with a spot award:
Individual extra effort that produced exceptional results
Exceptional Teamwork
Outstanding Achievement
Efficiency improvements
Technical innovation
Successfully implemented cost saving ideas
Significant contribution to unplanned initiatives
Expanded duties
Spot awards should:
Reward achievements and behaviors that support an employer’s culture and strategy
Be awarded for specific achievements and behaviors; not behaviors or achievements that are vague or abstract
Be tied to a discrete action rather than provided for a situation of consistently exceptional performance. The latter situation should be addressed by other means such as a merit increase, bonus, or promotion.
Be meaningful to the employee
Delivered in a timely manner
What would you add to or change in this spot award summary?
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