Cultivating Realistic Optimism to Improve Your Career and Life

For the next several months, I will be focusing heavily on how key emotional intelligence skills can better serve you in your career and personal life. As we prepare to give thanks for everything good in our lives this month, I think it’s a good time to talk about realistic optimism.

Especially on the heels of many difficult months, thanks to the pandemic, you might feel a touch more bleak than usual. Life this year has been anything but normal, but it can help you to look for the good anyway.

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Give Yourself the Gift of a Year-end Career Audit

This time of year can feel like a never-ending list of to-do items, both at work and at home. If you feel rushed and frazzled, you might reject the idea of adding yet another project to your pile. But hear me out. Taking the time to conduct a simple career audit before the new year can become a gift you give yourself. 

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