What is the base pay range for my job?

If you ask this question ideally your manager will say, “Just a second. Let me look that up for you. (Pause) Here it is. It is $X - $Y - $Z.”

But realistically your manager’s internal dialogue will probably be something like this:

“Oh geez. Why are they asking for the range? I don’t want to have this conversation right now. I don’t know the base pay range for their job. I need to call HR and ask what it is. Can I even share the range? Ugh. And they will probably want to know how to get a pay raise. This is one of the reasons why I hate being a manager. Talking about pay is so uncomfortable.”

And you will probably hear them say this out loud: “I’ll have to get back to you on that. I don’t have it readily available.”

You’ll leave the conversation disappointed. Your manager will hope you don’t follow up.

And HR has failed to prepare the manager to answer these questions. An opportunity for the manager and employee to build trust has been missed.

If you want help solving this problem, let’s talk.

#pay #compensation #rewards #humanresources