Empathy at Work and in Life

Stress tends to ramp up this time of year. You might experience it yourself, and you might see it playing out with coworkers, loved ones and strangers around you. New year work deadlines, ramping up of client projects, cold weather, tax season, traffic – you name it. The good news? Practicing empathy at work and throughout your daily life can help you manage stress and change your perspective a bit.

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Gearing Up for Difficult Conversations at Work

As a career coach, I have met many individuals who want more to show for their efforts at work. In a lot of these cases, avoiding difficult conversations at work has proven to be a big part of the problem.

Surveys show that 70 percent of people actively shy away from tough topics at work. While conflict avoidance might create a friendly environment on the surface, it can lead to a number of negative consequences for the individual, the team and the entire organization. 

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