How Personal Agility Makes You a More Valuable Business Asset

The rapid changes happening in the world, and in business, can leave you with whiplash. However, people with strong personal agility have the capacity to react, adapt and recover more quickly than those who cling to familiar modes of operation.

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Encouraging Productive Conflict in Business

We refer to businesses as entities, which implies a computer-like state of calculated processes and a steady hum of output. Ah, wouldn’t that be nice? But these entities run on the power of imperfect human beings, and conflict in business is inevitable thanks to our uniquely human reactions and emotions.

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Social and Emotional Intelligence in Team Dynamics

Do you lead a team? Are you part of a team? Even if you run a business of one, you need to interact with others to successfully complete your work. Team dynamics impact every professional on some level, and understanding how emotional intelligence improves team relationships will help you move past everyday challenges.

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How to Build Leadership Skills at Work

After a difficult year, we could all use a boost of energy and inspiration at work. If you currently manage others, your team’s morale should count among your top priorities this year. As you build leadership skills, you learn how to motivate people through even the most challenging times – and companies need strong leaders now more than ever.

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Accurate Self-Assessment at Work

You don’t know what you don’t know. More importantly, if you never stop to consider what you don’t know, you unnecessarily limit yourself and your career. Moving forward by gaining skills and competencies requires an accurate self-assessment so you can see your blind spots and allow room for growth.

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Gain a New Career Perspective with Service Orientation

When we have our heads down as we focus on work, we can lose sight of some of our long-term goals and needs. This month, I encourage you to shift your career perspective and consider how service orientation can help you stay in touch with the big picture.

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Empathy at Work and in Life

Stress tends to ramp up this time of year. You might experience it yourself, and you might see it playing out with coworkers, loved ones and strangers around you. New year work deadlines, ramping up of client projects, cold weather, tax season, traffic – you name it. The good news? Practicing empathy at work and throughout your daily life can help you manage stress and change your perspective a bit.

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Working with Intention

While your Thanksgiving holiday might have looked a little different this year, I hope it left you with a feeling of gratitude and a sense of abundance that will carry you through the last month of 2020 and the new year. With an eye toward an abundant future, and the growth mindset that supports it, I want to touch on the idea of working with intention.

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Cultivating Realistic Optimism to Improve Your Career and Life

For the next several months, I will be focusing heavily on how key emotional intelligence skills can better serve you in your career and personal life. As we prepare to give thanks for everything good in our lives this month, I think it’s a good time to talk about realistic optimism.

Especially on the heels of many difficult months, thanks to the pandemic, you might feel a touch more bleak than usual. Life this year has been anything but normal, but it can help you to look for the good anyway.

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How Emotional Intelligence Influences Career Success

Research has shown that technical skills and knowledge can only take a person so far. Your career success journey should include attention to relationship-building and other interpersonal skills. Otherwise known as emotional quotient (EQ) or emotional intelligence, these skills allow you to connect, collaborate, inspire and lead more effectively than logic or analytics (aka IQ) alone.

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10 Zero-cost Ways to Invest in Yourself

What have you done for your most important client lately? I am not talking about work – I am talking about you. If you neglect yourself and focus only on work and family, you set yourself up for burnout and depletion. On the flip side, when you invest in yourself, you reconnect with what moves you and drives you forward.

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Find Your Flow by Minimizing Distractions at Work

I am writing this blog at a time when we all are working in unconventional ways and trying to do the best we can. Distractions at work can create challenges even during normal times, but as we all adjust to stay-at-home orders, this issue has the potential to wreak havoc in our work lives.

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How to Manage Anxiety at Work and Home

The novel coronavirus has caused a great deal of uncertainty and upheaval in our lives. Whether you have a history of anxiety or not, you might be grappling with more fear and questions about the future than ever before. We need to learn how to cope with our anxiety in order to stay healthy and productive. There are ways to manage anxiety and fears without adding to the overwhelm you may be feeling right now.

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